Join us on Saturday morning September 28 at Hyannis Golf Course in Hyannis for a fun-filled morning of golf, food and friends - all for a good cause!
Sponsorships significantly defray cost of this event and allow proceeds to be applied directly to the CCLA scholarship fund.
EVENT SPONSORSHIPS (4 available)Event sponsors are the backbone of this fundraising effort! Event sponsors are thanked in lead-up marketing of the event, in the Leaderboard scoring app and at the course. This sponsorship includes a foursome registration ($1000 value).
CONTEST SPONSORSHIPS Contest sponsors are recognized with signage at the contest site. This year we have a new contest in the mix - MegaPutt, which will be a fun, fast paced kick off the event!
COURSE SPONSORSHIPSCourse sponsors are recognized with signage at the course.
New! Exclusive COFFEE & LUNCH SPONSORSHIPS The coffee and lunch sponsors will be recognized with signage at the course.
TEE SPONSORSTee sponsors are recognized with signage at the tees.
This tournament benefits CCLA's scholarship funds. This event is limited to the first 144 paid golfers.
Hyannis Golf Course is located at 1800 Iyannough Road (Route 132), Hyannis, MA 02601
Cape Cod Landscape Association
CCLA Management Office67 West StreetMedfield, MA 02052508-653-8256