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The eco-build solution:  Landscapes for Better Living

Wednesday January 24, 2024 
9:00 AM - 10:00 am

Tired of the same old thing? Let us introduce you to the creative, innovative world of permaculture, bioengineering, soil remediation, organic horticulture and native plantscaping. Discover how to work with nature to create sustainable, enduring, living landscapes. Explore ideas, products and services to support your success in this fascinating emerging market. Get ahead of the competition, make a difference, a better life for yourself, your family and the planet.


Jay Archer
Landscape Ecologist
Green Jay Landscape Design
Rye, NY

Jay Archer is one of the East Coast’s leading advocates for ecological landscaping, native plants, and organic land care. He is a landscape designer, naturalist, landscape ecologist, and environmental educator. His firm works to improve the landscape environment, while conserving, preserving and protecting our precious natural resources for our children and our children’s children. In addition to his creative design, construction, and management pursuits, he lectures extensively across the region on subjects ranging from rain gardens and stormwater management to wetland and ecological restoration.

Cape Cod Landscape Association

CCLA Management Office
67 West Street
Medfield, MA 02052


Cape Cod Landscape Association is a 501 c3 – registered non-profit
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